Thirteen years ago, Odense in Denmark was the first city to explore the WOW! effect of telematics: a bicycle counter loop was accompanied with a large display panel, showing the number of cyclists having passed.Since then, more than 150 cities, like Vienna and Pardubice, took their inspiration, but it was Sweden that became a „counting superpower“.
In Budapest, people organised a local fund-raising campaign to build such a counter, in Alaska, they get donate, in Buenos Aires, they designed a counter on their own (featuring the Raspberry Pi), in Cambridge, one was funded by the university. In Aalborg, the counter even predicts your arrival time to the railway station, according to the actual traffic. Counters are often accompanied with a free tire-pump. You can find „bikeometers“ all over the world, even beyond the polar circle.
We recorded the world’s cities having a visual bicycle counter, did you know them?
big map, actual map direct in OSM, kml for GoogleEarth, data from OverpassAPI OSM
Did we miss any „bikeometer“ you know? Please, leave us a comment with its GPS location.
Detail of display, Hradecka street, city Pardubice; Detail displeje; ulice Hradecká, Pardubice; foto: Lukáš Černý.
Totem to je propagace, to je statistika, je to podpora že „You never bike alone“, je to signál vyslaný městem, že „víme o vás a počítáme s vámi“. Velký problém cyklistů je, že nejsou v dopravě vidět. Nesmrdí, nezavazí, nehlučí a tak se s nimi často nepočítá. (Jen na dálnicích je automatických sčítacích míst 250 [D+R], další totemy se používají na obsazenost parkoviště, informativní měření rychlosti, dojezdovou dobu, dopravní informace.)
Od té doby se inspirovalo více než 150 dalších měst, třeba Vídeň nebo Pardubice, ale počítací velmocí se časem stalo Švédsko. V Budapešti na takové počitadlo udělali lidé sbírku, nebo na Aljašce hithit. V Buenos Aires si počitadlo vyrobili sami (pneumatické detektory nad Raspberry Pi), v Sao Paulu počítají cyklisty webkamerou (využívají OpenCV), v Cambridge ho koupila vysoká škola a v Aalborgu sledují také dojezdovou dobu kola na nádraží, často u něho najdete pumpu na dohuštění duše. Počitadlo se dostalo za moře, na jižní polokouli i za polární kruh.
Zmapovali jsme města, která mají totem, znáte je?
Nějaká města chybí? Zanechte nám v komentář jeho GPS polohu.
What is the word for a bicycle counter/Jak se řekne počitadlo:
czech | počitadlo cyklistů |
english | bicycle counter/barometer/bikeometer |
croatian | brojač biciklističkog |
spanish | contador de bicicletas, El contador de bicis |
italian | contatori di bicicletta, bici barometro, stazione di rilevamento bici, contabici, contabicy |
swedish | cykelräknaren, cykelbarometer |
daninsh | cykeltæller |
german | Fahrradzähler, Radfahrerdauerzählstelle, Velozählung, Velozählstelle, Fahrradbarometer |
dutch | fietstelpaal, fietsteller, fietsmonitors |
polish | liczydło rowerowe |
finnfish | pyörälaskuri, Pyöräilijä laskurit |
lithuanian | Riteņbraucēju skaitītāji |
norwegian | sykkelbarometer, sykkeltelleren |
french | velo totem, totem compteur de cyclistes |
russian | счетчик велосипед |
Cities having a visual bicycle counter/ Města s totemy počítající cyklisty:
town | state | since | town | state | since | town | state | since |
Buenos Aires | Argentina | 2014 | Rostock | Germany | 2012 | Sarpsborg | Norway | 2013 |
Moreland | Australia | 2013 | Benderloch | Great Britain | 2014 | Stavanger | Norway | 2012 |
Innsbruck | Austria | 2014 | Brighton | Great Britain | 2010 | Gdansk | Poland | 2013 |
Vienna | Austria | 2013 | Cambridge | Great Britain | 2014 | Lodz | Poland | 2011 |
Antwerpen | Belgium | 2013 | Cardiff | Great Britain | 2012 | Szczecin | Poland | 2014 |
Gent | Belgium | 2011 | Clydebank | Great Britain | 2014 | Barcelona | Spain | 2011 |
Canmore | Canada | 2013 | Coatbridge | Great Britain | 2014 | Beograd | Serbia | 2011 |
Montréal | Canada | 2013 | Edinburg | Great Britain | 2013 | Borås | Sweden | 2010 |
Ottawa | Canada | 2011 | Glasgow | Great Britain | 2014 | Danderyd | Sweden | 2013 |
Vancouver | Canada | 2012 | Inverness | Great Britain | 2014 | Eskilstuna | Sweden | 2012 |
Victoria | Canada | 2014 | London | Great Britain | 2013 | Göteborg | Sweden | 2005 |
Pardubice | Czech Republic | 2013 | Perth | Great Britain | 2014 | Halmstad | Sweden | 2009 |
Aalborg | Denmark | 2005 | Stirling | Great Britain | 2014 | Härryda | Sweden | 2014 |
Aarhus | Denmark | 2009 | Zagreb | Hrvatska | 2014 | Helsingborg | Sweden | 2010 |
Albertslund | Denmark | 2011 | Budapest | Hungary | 2010 | Jönköping | Sweden | 2011 |
Copenhagen | Denmark | 2009 | Dublin | Ireland | 2010 | Kalmar | Sweden | 2013 |
Esbjerg | Denmark | 2011 | Reykjavik | Island | 2013 | Karlstadt | Sweden | 2010 |
Fredericia | Denmark | 2011 | Bolzano | Italy | 2006 | Kungälv | Sweden | 2011 |
Frederiksberg | Denmark | 2008 | Ferrara | Italy | 2013 | Landskrona | Sweden | 2013 |
Frederikshavn | Denmark | 2010 | Milano | Italy | 2013 | Lidingö | Sweden | 2011 |
Hadsund | Denmark | 2013 | Modena | Italy | 2011 | Luleå | Sweden | 2013 |
Helsingør | Denmark | 2011 | Reggio Emilia | Italy | 2014 | Lund | Sweden | 2014 |
Hjørring | Denmark | 2013 | Rovereto | Italy | 2013 | Malmö | Sweden | 2006 |
Hørsholm | Denmark | 2011 | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | 2011 | Mölndal | Sweden | 2011 |
Horsens | Denmark | 2012 | Mexico City | Mexico | 2013 | Norrköping | Sweden | 2006 |
Kolding | Denmark | 2011 | Apeldoorn | Netherlands | 2007 | Örebro | Sweden | 2006 |
Næstved | Denmark | 2013 | Delft | Netherlands | 2008 | Örnsköldsvik | Sweden | 2011 |
Odense | Denmark | 2002 | Teuge | Netherlands | 2011 | Östersund | Sweden | 2011 |
Randers | Denmark | 2010 | Twelo | Netherlands | 2011 | Skellefteå | Sweden | 2011 |
Roskilde | Denmark | 2013 | Vlaardingen | Netherlands | 2011 | Solna | Sweden | 2015 |
Vejle | Denmark | 2005 | Alta | Norway | 2013 | Södertälje | Sweden | ? |
Viborg | Denmark | 2011 | Asker | Norway | 2013 | Stockholm | Sweden | 2004 |
Helsinki | Finland | 2009 | Bærum | Norway | 2013 | Sundbyberg | Sweden | 2014 |
Jyväskylä | Finland | 2007 | Drammen | Norway | 2011 | Sundsvall | Sweden | 2011 |
Tampere | Finland | 2011 | Fredrikstad | Norway | 2013 | Umeå | Sweden | 2009 |
Nantes | France | 2013 | Gjovik | Norway | 2014 | Uppsala | Sweden | 2014 |
Strasbourg | France | 2013 | Hamar | Norway | 2009 | Varberg | Sweden | 2012 |
Bremen | Germany | 2011 | Jessheim | Norway | 2013 | Västerås | Sweden | 2009 |
Düsseldorf | Germany | 2015 | Kolbotn | Norway | 2013 | Växjö | Sweden | 2011 |
Freiburg | Germany | 2012 | Kristansand | Norway | 2014 | Geneva | Switzerland | 2015 |
Göttingen | Germany | 2014 | Lillehammer | Norway | 2013 | Luzern | Switzerland | 2012 |
Hamburg | Germany | 2014 | Lillestrøm | Norway | 2013 | Arlington (Virginia) | USA | 2014 |
Heidelberg | Germany | 2014 | Tromso | Norway | 2013 | Boulder (Colorado) | USA | 2014 |
Heilbronn | Germany | 2013 | Trondheim | Norway | 2009 | Los Angeles | USA | 2013 |
Karlsruhe | Germany | 2012 | Oslo | Norway | 2011 | Madison | USA | 2014 |
Kirchheim unter Teck | Germany | 2012 | Porsgrunn | Norway | 2014 | Portland (Oregon) | USA | 2012 |
Lörrach | Germany | 2013 | Sandnes | Norway | 2013 | San Francisco | USA | 2013 |
Offenburg | Germany | 2012 | Skien | Norway | 2013 | Seattle (Washinghton) | USA | 2012 |
Did we miss any „bikeometer“ you know? Please, leave us a comment with its GPS location./ Nějaká města chybí? Zanechte nám v komentář jeho GPS polohu.
Badeanlage 6064/110
7072 Mörbisch am See, Austria
47.752475, 16.695115
Je to ale jiný typ (brána)
díky, přidáno.
Wien, Rakousko, 48.200678, 16.366991 Karlsplatz
Wien, Rakousko, 48.218203, 16.390195 Praterstern
Díky, oba v mapě už jsou.